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Remote Desktop Services | upgrade to Remote Desktop Services | Top reasons to upgrade to Remote Desktop Services

Top reasons to upgrade to Remote Desktop Services

Terminal Services makes it possible to remotely run an application in one location but have it be controlled and managed in another. Microsoft has evolved this concept considerably in Windows Server 2008 R2, and renamed Terminal Services to Remote Desktop Services (RDS) to better reflect these new features and capabilities. The goal of RDS is to provide both users and administrators with both the features and the flexibility necessary to build the most robust access experience in any deployment scenario.

Overview the Top 5 reasons to upgrade to Remote Desktop Services

Windows Server 2008R2 considerably improves the platform and tool set for accelerating and extending desktop and application deployments to any device. In addition to the traditional presentation virtualization scenario, which Terminal Services has enabled for many years, this new version of the operating system will expand its role to provide an extensible platform for a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). VDI is a centralized desktop delivery architecture which allows customers to centralize the storage, execution and management of a Windows desktop in the data center. It enables Windows Vista Enterprise and other desktop environments to run and be managed in virtual machines on a centralized server.
We are announcing new and exciting user experience enhancements in Windows Server 2008 R2 through new capabilities in Remote Desktop Services and RDP, enabled with Windows Server 2008 R2 in combination with Windows7 Enterprise Edition and Windows 7 Ultimate Edition clients. These capabilities significantly improve the experience of remote users, bringing the experience closer to the experience enjoyed by users accessing local computing resources.
The new RemoteApp & Desktop Connections provides a set of resources, such as RemoteApp programs and Remote Desktops. These connections are presented to Windows 7 users using the new RemoteApp & Desktop Connection control panel. The new RemoteApp & Desktop Web Access provides the ability to connect to resources from Vista & XP in addition to Windows 7.
Remote Desktops Services in Windows Server 2008 R2 focuses on improving management for all the existing session-based remote desktop scenarios delivered previously in Terminal Services and the exciting new virtual machine-based scenarios in Remote Desktop Services; additionally we have added features to help improve application compatibility.
Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2008 R2 provides an expanded set of opportunities for partners to create new value added services and solutions through new features, new APIs and documentation.
Extension to VDI, improved user experience, simplified publishing and access, as well as an improved platform for configuration, management, security and control, as well as for partner innovations all represent excellent reasons to upgrade to Windows Server 2008 R2. And if you upgrade from Windows Server 2008, all your TS-CALs will continue to work in R2.

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    شكرا جزيلا لك يا صبري


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